Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I posted a while back regarding Lily's head ultrasound at 1 week old that showed a grade 1 brain bleed. The doctors told us not to be worried about it, because grade 1 brain bleeds will clear up on their own. One neonatologist said that, "If you take 100 babies with a grade 1 brain bleed, and 100 babies without a bleed- in one year you'd never know which were born with one and which never had one." So, we tried not to worry about it, but its been in the back of our minds since we got her results back.

They did a repeat head ultrasound 3 weeks later (at one month old). Claire's results were again normal, with no bleed. Lily's ultrasound still showed the bleed with a cyst. We met with a nurse practitioner who told us that the cyst is in the white matter, and in a location that COULD cause some slight issues with her lower extremity movement. Because of the location, she wanted to start occupational/physical therapy so that her brain will use alternate routes around the cyst & hopefully it will be no problem at all in her future.
I spoke with a neonatologist who said he thought the bleed was beginning to dissolve, but the other neonatologist wanted to speak with the radiologist about his report because he was a bit confused about it. So, right now we're waiting to hear back from him. Either way they will repeat the ultrasound in 3 weeks. Please keep Lily in your prayers.

Here are some recent photos:
                                                                       May 20, 2012
                                                                           May 19, 2012
                                               Lily going onto low flow nasal cannula! May 19, 2012
                                                    Dad and Claire, bath time May 22, 2012

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